Slider Blog | AreaEnergy

Area Energy is your partner for realising projects involving the plasma gasification of organic matter to produce electricity and heator the alternative production of liquid bio-fuels.

Thanks to the high temperatures achieved by the plasma torch technology, we can produce synthetic gas from organic matter in a clean manner. This is then processed as a raw material for producing energy or liquid fuels.

The projects we have on offer process input fuel from various kinds of biomass, wastewater treatment sludge, municipal and industrial waste and even hazardous wastes.

We offer technology for alternative energy, which, thanks to its high operating temperatures, does not contaminate the environment with the waste products so typical for incineration processes and is likewise far more efficient in using the energy contained in the fuels.

Gasification is not combustion. Unlike combustion, plasma gasification does not create any unwanted emmissions or pollutants.
Because of extreme temperatures, complex compounds are broken down into individual atoms, which then create synthesis gas that can be used as a fuel or raw material for forther use.

A by-product of the process is inert slag, which can be used as a construction material.


  • petros

    Troll” is the Internet term for someone who is intentionally disruptive to a community. While it (very appropriately) evokes the “troll under the bridge” image, it actually comes from deep sea fishing, where dragging your hook in the water, hoping a fish will bite, is called “trolling”. “Trolls” on the Internet are people who intentionally say mean or disruptive things in the hopes of getting a reaction.

    • petros

      Troll” is the Internet term for someone who is intentionally disruptive to a community. While it (very appropriately) evokes the “troll under the bridge” image, it actually comes from deep sea fishing, where dragging your hook in the water, hoping a fish will bite, is called “trolling”.

  • petros

    Troll” is the Internet term for someone who is intentionally disruptive to a community. While it (very appropriately) evokes the “troll under the bridge” image, it actually comes from deep sea fishing, where dragging your hook in the water, hoping a fish will bite, is called “trolling”. “Trolls” on the Internet are people who intentionally say mean or disruptive things in the hopes of getting .

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